Rogue In A Bottle is an infiltration/exploration game about crafting power ups to avoid getting burnt by light.
Crafting uses resources that require exploring the levels to find them and progress in the game. Will you triumph over light?


  1. The game uses save files which do not work in the web export. If you want to keep your progress/config in the game, you will need to download one of the clients below.
  2. This game heavily relies on Godot's shadows which may be a bit buggy in the web exports. If you experience problems, don't hesitate to download the forward+ clients provided (also for better reliability in general).



  • Move: W-A-S-D
  • Turn camera: Q-E
  • Sneak: Left Shift
  • Kill: Space


  • Use Spell: Left Click
  • Switch Spell: Right Click


Code and VFX: Magnat, Buloz, ObaniGarage

Art/3D modelling: Kryspou, Risa

Music/Audio: ObaniGarage


Spells :

You may need specific spells to be able to spread shadows into these lands.

Using your old book and some alchemy tricks, you will be able to create some powerful spells :

Potion of disturbance

Your targets can't help but look in your direction ?

This won't be a problem after you get your hand on your Potion of disturbance.

This spell will allow you to throw a glass bottle which will shatter at the slightest contact and will distract your opponents.

Ivy Wall

Become one with nature and gain the ability to make ivy sprout from the ground with the Ivy Wall.

In addition to being eco-friendly, this spell will allow you to hide from horrible sources of light but also to obstruct the vision of your enemies

Shade Cloak

Instead of hiding yourself in it, embrace the darkness with the Shade Cloak.

With this occult item, become a shadow yourself and blend into those of your prey.

With this ability, light will no longer be an obstacle for you.

Complete Gameplay Video:


Rogue_in_a_bottle_GDD.pdf 376 kB
Rogue_In_A_Bottle_Windows_Forward_v1.4.exe 153 MB
Rogue In A Bottle_LINUX_Forward_v1.4.x86_64 135 MB


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why did enemy ai here ? 

Not sure to understand your question

oh sorry not sure why I said it like that, I meant how long did you work on enemy ai here 

Ahah no problems

I worked on it myself, it took around 1 day to get the first states working (it's a state machine behind it), then we refined it during the whole jam

would you be able to make ai act like semi smart zombies something like left 4 dead ? if so do you have any social I would like to show you what we are working on

You could tell me more about it on my discord, it's "magnat." ;)

Hello ! We finally submitted our game in time !

Unfortunately, we stepped on bug with the Godot (4.3 RC 1) export and couldn't upload the foarward + version of the game in time.

The Web export use the Compatibility mode of Godot, which still have a lot of problems with the shadows rendering (and our game is based on it...)

If you forgive us for this little overtime, please give a try to the Forward + version of the game on Windows, which don't have any shadow bug and will be a way more pleasant experience !

Here is the Github release link :

Anyway, I hope that you will enjoy our Game,

Thanks !